At Wealth Impact Partners, we help individuals and families realize a secure life for themselves, plan a thoughtful family legacy, and oftentimes create a lasting significance through philanthropic giving. We do this through our numerous proprietary processes (including our flagship LifePrint™ planning process), an integrated and comprehensive suite of financial, estate, and tax planning, as well as investment and insurance advisory services designed to help people maximize the impact of their financial potential during life and through an ongoing legacy they can leave behind.


Reaching the Retirement Summit with the ARC Process™
Like mountain climbing, retirement planning begins with the goal of reaching the summit. The key to achieving that goal is planning and preparation.

Planning for Success
In climbing, focused planning means crafting a well thought-out route that takes into consideration the unique landscapes and challenges of the mountain. In retirement planning, it means building a plan that takes into consideration our goals and may include strategies built around retirement savings, education savings, income protection, creditor protection, investment management, tax planning and more.

Achieving Retirement Clarity
For many people, the task of retirement planning may seem overwhelming and complex. What’s missing is a clear process for HOW to build it properly. Our proprietary ARC Process™ involves performing a detailed cash flow analysis, which is then used to create a custom plan for achieving your retirement savings goals. The process also incorporates the necessary risk management tools designed to protect you from unexpected events that could obstruct your path and hinder you from successfully reaching your retirement summit.

Watch our video to learn how you can achieve clarity and peace of mind while building your retirement fund.


Reaching the Summit and Returning Safely with the RISK Process™
While climbing to the top of a mountain is considered to be a major achievement, the real goal of climbing is not simply to reach the top, but to reach the top and return safely.

The same can be said for retirement income planning. For years, people have focused on accumulating enough assets. However, the biggest risks facing retirees occur during the income distribution phase when we retire and begin to live on our retirement savings.

As we begin this second half of our journey, we are faced with unique and potentially devastating risks such as a volatile market, inflation, liquidity, longevity, health and survivor risks. Just like climbing a mountain, those who address these risks will be more likely to safely and successfully complete the journey.

Our proprietary Retirement Income Survivor Kit or RISK Process™ is designed to help clients plan their income in retirement while simultaneously addressing the key risks associated with income distribution. We look forward to walking you through the process.

Watch our video to learn how the RISK Process™ can help you safely navigate the income risks and opportunities in retirement. 




Few people are aware that the life, disability and long term care insurance policies they purchased as recently as five years ago might be unnecessarily costly or lacking critical new benefits due to the availability of a new generation of insurance products.

When you purchased your policies, you may have made certain assumptions about policy charges, interest rates, planned premiums, and other issues. But life is constantly changing. The original reason for your purchase may still exist, yet your needs may have changed, requiring more or less coverage. That’s why it’s important to regularly review all of your personal and business insurance coverages.


Two important aspects of financial planning involve managing risk and transferring wealth to the next generation. In many instances, the tax advantages of life insurance make it a preferred vehicle for purposes such as:

  • Providing income replacement for your family and business
  • Passing family and business wealth to future generations
  • Providing supplemental tax-free income for retirement
  • Funding business strategies such as buy-sell agreements and deferred compensation programs
  • Charitable giving


Whether you are evaluating existing coverage or are seeking new insurance, Wealth Impact Partners uses several proprietary processes to:

  • Help identify the type of policy that fits your current needs (Life Assurance 360™)
  • Help you obtain favorable policy pricing (Underwriting Advocacy™)
  • Provide on-going policy management to help connect your expectations of promised policy benefits with actual results (The Policy Management Company™)
  • Advise you when your current coverage may no longer be needed (Life Settlement Advocacy Process™)
  • Help you obtain quick competitive coverage for a set period of time (Term Quote Service)



Whether you are evaluating existing coverage or seeking new insurance, Wealth Impact Partners uses a unique five-step process called Life Assurance 360™ to make certain that your policy fits your current needs and continues to serve its intended purpose for the duration of the policy.
In this step, we use our proprietary Life Assurance Design Questionnaire to educate you about your life insurance options while gathering information about your goals, preferences, and risk tolerance. Additionally, our one-page Pre-Underwriting Questionnaire helps paint a high-level picture of how your medical history may factor into the overall plan design.
Prior to submitting an application, our experienced underwriting team gathers and reviews your medical information and begins clarifying all missing or incomplete details with your physicians to present your case to the carrier(s) in the most favorable light possible. For larger, more complex cases where privacy and confidentiality are paramount, our staff underwriters and licensed physician conduct a private medical evaluation to fully assess your medical risk while protecting your identity from the Medical Information Bureau (MIB).
After the initial fact finding process and underwriting assessment are complete, our underwriting and marketing teams develop product recommendations based on your goals, risk tolerance, and preferences regarding the five areas of product design: safety, flexibility, equity, certainty, and premium.
After product recommendations are developed, we create meaningful analyses of each plan and present the recommendations in an easy-to-understand format that empowers you to make informed decisions.
After you make your choice from among the recommended plans, we initiate an on-going process that monitors and measures the performance of your plan to ensure that your benefits remain on track for the life of the policy. We regularly review the plan’s performance with you using a concise, yet thorough, policy review document.



Situations may arise when you no longer need or want your life insurance policy, generally due to:

  • Changes in the policy structure (e.g., carrier-imposed premium increases, reduced duration of coverage, and other policy performance problems) and/or;
  • Changes in your planning needs (e.g., retirement income needs, changes in estate taxes, business changes, etc.)

When these situations occur, we work with you and your advisors by first analyzing the existing policy and examining the potential for a life settlement. Based on our findings and your objectives, we provide detailed analyses and recommendations of various options that may include:

  • Allow the policy to lapse
  • Surrender the policy for cash value
  • Restructure the policy
  • Exchange for a new life policy or an annuity
  • Pursue a life settlement when a higher net value seems likely


  • Recently had your insurance premium increase significantly and unexpectedly. As a result, you no longer want to pay premiums and would like to sell the policy for a lump sum cash payment.
  • Will likely outlive the maturity date on your life insurance policy.
  • Estate tax exemption thresholds have been lowered, making estate planning life insurance unnecessary.
  • Funds are needed to focus on personal needs such as retirement, long-term care insurance, or family emergencies.
  • Term policy is nearing the end of a term period. You may want the option to convert to a permanent product and receive, through a life settlement, proceeds for an asset that will terminate if not converted.
  • Business is sold or changes are made that result in insurance no longer being needed.
  • You are an executive who has retired and received unneeded insurance through a deferred compensation arrangement.
  • Policies held within a trust are no longer meeting the original trust plan objectives.
  • Current policy is underperforming. The need for insurance may still exist, but you want coverage that has better guarantees.
  • You would like to exchange your current policy for a variable one that provides equity opportunities.
  • You and your business partners have made changes within your Buy-Sell Agreement which makes insurance no longer necessary.
  • Charitable-owned policies are under-performing and need to be replaced in order to preserve the benefit to the charity.


To determine if a life settlement may be the best potential course of action for your policy, there are several general criteria that we will help you examine at the outset.

  • Individuals age 65 and older (age 70 or older if female)
  • Life expectancy of 14 years or less
  • Decline in health from original policy issue
  • Life insurance policies with a net death benefit of $250,000 or more (no maximum)
  • Policy type: Universal Life, Guaranteed Universal Life, Survivorship Universal Life, Variable Universal Life and Convertible Term (Sometimes Whole Life)
  • Owner can be an Individual, Trust, or Corporation
  • Premium should be 5% of the Death Benefit (or less) and Cash Surrender Value should be 15% of Death Benefit (or less)


In a life settlement arrangement, the current policy owner transfers the ownership and beneficiary designation to a third party, who will receive the death proceeds upon the death of the insured. As a result, this buyer has a financial interest in the seller’s death. When an individual decides to sell their policy, he or she must provide complete access to his or her medical history, and other personal information, that may affect his or her life expectancy. This information is requested during the initial application for a life settlement. After the completion of the sale, there may be an ongoing obligation to disclose similar and additional information at a later date. A life settlement may affect the seller’s eligibility for certain public assistance programs, such as Medicaid, and there may be tax consequences. Individuals should discuss the taxation of the proceeds received with their tax advisor. Individuals considering life settlements should carefully read the entire sales agreement, consult their advisors, and consider all available options before selling their policies. ValMark Securities and its registered representatives act as brokers in the life settlement transaction and may receive a fee from the purchaser. A life settlement transaction may require an extended period of time to complete. Due to complexity of the transaction, fees and costs incurred with the life settlement transaction may be substantially higher than other securities. Neither ValMark Securities nor its registered representatives provide tax advice. ValMark Securities considers a life settlement a security transaction. Securities offered through ValMark Securities, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC. Actual offers will be dependent on your client’s particular age and health status, the condition of the life insurance policy, and other requirements of the secondary market at the time of the settlement.



Once you are confident about your financial independence, the next step is to consider why you want to create a family legacy.

What values are you hoping to support and what outcomes would you like to promote?

How much is enough to accomplish these important results?

Simply “maximizing wealth to your heirs” and “minimizing taxes” are not real goals – these are means, not ends. The key question is – for what purpose?

At Wealth Impact Partners, we believe that prudent planning starts with knowing what is in the hearts of our clients. We then learn the hard facts about your holdings. If you own a business, we assess the viability of your business’ survival to the next generation. Our team then crafts customized solutions to help mitigate transfer taxes, while making sure the provisions in your wills and trusts match what is in your heart.



After we have made provisions for our personal needs throughout our lifetimes, and those of the next generation, we can move to the pinnacle of the planning pyramid which is social capital legacy.

Gifts to charitable causes or organizations need not come at the expense of your own financial needs or providing for your family. With the right kind of planning and expertise, you can usually redirect assets otherwise earmarked for taxes to causes and organizations that will achieve the kind of social impact you hope to make.

This is taking involuntary philanthropy and transforming it into voluntary philanthropy. Your redirected tax liabilities, along with additional wealth not required by you or your family, make up what we refer to as your “excess” wealth. Most people don’t know they have it, but they often do. If you knew you did, might you do some things differently? Live more? Give more?

An engaging read from beginning to end, this book will challenge you to re-think the purpose of your money and the purpose of your life. – Andrew Accardy, Executive Director, Y God Institute; former Executive Vice President, Purpose Driven Ministries

Wow! This is an incredibly inspiring book that shows you what an impact you can have on your world with your gifts of kindness as you go through life. – Brian Tracy, Author, Maximum Achievement

Such a timely message for the consumer culture we find ourselves in! With a generous spirit, we can truly make a difference. This book is a helpful roadmap to help us live and give well. – Patrick Johnson, Chief Architect, Generous Church

Engaging and heart-felt, this book illustrates how advisors and trusted wealth consultants who have a strong personal understanding of their clients are uniquely positioned to positively impact the individuals and families they serve, and society at large. – Wade Wilkinson, President and CEO, Securities Service Network, Inc

I know personally what a book like this can do in a person’s life and hope that many, many people will be impacted by reading it, become smart financial stewards, and experience the satisfaction that comes from creating wealth and giving it away for Kingdom purposes. – Gary Schwammlein, President, Willow Creek Association

In You Can Do More That Matters, Ron and Greg challenge us to realize that the same entrepreneurial vision that creates wealth can be employed to create a legacy that exceeds all of our dreams and can make a difference in our world. They offer a way to restore power to money! – Dennis Baril, Senior Pastor, Community Covenant Church, Rehoboth, MA; President, Genesis Industries Limited, L3C, Burlington, VT

An engaging read from beginning to end, this book will challenge you to re-think the purpose of your money and the purpose of your life. – Andrew Accardy, Executive Director, Y God Institute; former Executive Vice President, Purpose Driven Ministries

Wow! This is an incredibly inspiring book that shows you what an impact you can have on your world with your gifts of kindness as you go through life. – Brian Tracy, Author, Maximum Achievement

Such a timely message for the consumer culture we find ourselves in! With a generous spirit, we can truly make a difference. This book is a helpful roadmap to help us live and give well. – Patrick Johnson, Chief Architect, Generous Church

Engaging and heart-felt, this book illustrates how advisors and trusted wealth consultants who have a strong personal understanding of their clients are uniquely positioned to positively impact the individuals and families they serve, and society at large. – Wade Wilkinson, President and CEO, Securities Service Network, Inc

I know personally what a book like this can do in a person’s life and hope that many, many people will be impacted by reading it, become smart financial stewards, and experience the satisfaction that comes from creating wealth and giving it away for Kingdom purposes. – Gary Schwammlein, President, Willow Creek Association

In You Can Do More That Matters, Ron and Greg challenge us to realize that the same entrepreneurial vision that creates wealth can be employed to create a legacy that exceeds all of our dreams and can make a difference in our world. They offer a way to restore power to money! – Dennis Baril, Senior Pastor, Community Covenant Church, Rehoboth, MA; President, Genesis Industries Limited, L3C, Burlington, VT

If You Knew You Could Do More That Matters, Wouldn’t You?

Watch our Book Trailer to learn how you can transform your life by doing more that matters. 

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Co-authored by Ron Ware, President of Wealth Impact Partners, You Can Do More That Matters focuses on charitable giving as an attainable and integral component of wealth management.

Ron and his co-author, Greg Hammond, are wealth and legacy advisors who deeply believe in “living more and giving more.” For over 20 years, each of them has helped individuals, families, and business owners enhance their financial standing while discovering a greater capacity to provide for their loved ones and support cherished charities.

The information, advice, and illustrations found in You Can Do More That Matters are drawn from their extensive wealth management experience. The result is a unique guide that educates and inspires readers about how to create a practical and meaningful life and legacy plan that includes making a powerful impact on the charitable organizations and causes they care about most.

You Can Do More That Matters is available through


Wealth Impact Partners


175 Highland Avenue
Suite 401 Needham, MA 02494
P: 781.489.9800

1415 W. 22nd Street
Tower Floor, Oak Brook, IL 60523
P: 847.595.1970

Securities offered through Valmark Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered through Valmark Advisers, Inc., an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. 130 Springside Drive, Suite 300, Akron, OH 44333-2431 · (800) 765-5201. Wealth Impact Partners is a separate entity from Valmark Securities, Inc. and Valmark Advisers, Inc.

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (CFP Board) owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, and CFP® (with plaque design) in the United States, which it authorizes use of by individuals who successfully complete CFP Board’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

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